Still Breathing I Hope.
Again, WHOA. Long time no write.
It’s been awhile, but guess what? We are still here, still making keys and doing all kinds of other things. If you read the blog before this or some of the other ones here at Trouble Free Keys, you know that our blogs don’t always have a lot to do with keys, but I try to tie that in here and there since that’s what this side gig of ours does. But really, how much can we write about making a file cabinet key? I will write one about keys from time to time so you can pick what you are interested in, or whatever will pass your time best.
Let’s use this blog to play catch-up.

For us, the last few years have been eventful. We’ve moved to a different house, got another dog, Waffles, (totally my daughter’s fault), and sent our first to college. We purchased back the web development business we started in 2005. Jesper has run the business he created from the beginning but sold to some partners in the middle there and we are now sole owners again. I, Michelle, have started working full-time for that company doing project management, administrative things, learning quite a bit about websites to be a little more useful and am taking courses on technical SEO to better serve our clients.
Our main gig is Engine Web Development and Digital Marketing, www.runengine.com. If you are in the market for a new website, website work, hosting, content management (social media/SEO on a small to medium scale), or any of our services on our website, please reach out. We love people and we love technology. Actually, I’m lying. We love people, we work with technology but only love it when it works like it’s supposed to. I’m sure you feel the same. So, if you have a business and need website work, that is what we do most, with the key business being a side gig that we fell into several years back.
Okay, back to more things that don’t have to do with HON, Herman Miller or Steelcase keys. The son of ours graduated and went to college. With him being on the autism spectrum (high functioning), he has worked hard to help him learn to manage his day-to-day with several tools in place and that has taken dedication from all of us and we are so proud of him. He is 502 miles from me, saying that is the furthest he could go and still do in-state tuition. Yeah, he thinks he’s hilarious when he says that. Uh-huh. There may be some truth to it but more than that, he is at Michigan Technological University majoring in Computer Engineering and it’s a great fit. He’s doing well and just started his second semester.
On the homefront we now both work remote, surrounded by two cats, two dogs and a teenage girl. Depending on the day and hour, this setup is either fantastic, a bit chaotic, or a perfect mix of both in the grand dance of time and space.
As we wave goodbye to 2023, we're eagerly eyeing what 2024 has in store. Whether your outlook is sunshine and rainbows or you're still figuring it out, just know that a random lady with prematurely gray hair in Michigan is rooting for you and sending good vibes your way. Here's to a fantastic 2024!