It's Halloween What is a Skeleton Key?

It's Halloween What is a Skeleton Key?

Our family read recently about a house in our area that really goes ALL OUT for Halloween decor. Their yard is filled with handmade figures from fairy tales that have been, "zombie-fied," grave stones, dragons, ravens, owls...and right next to their front door is an elaborate display of old looking keys and the spooky words, "SKELETON KEYS."

So what exactly is a skeleton key and where did that term come from? If you Google it you will find images of antique looking keys that are ornate on top, smooth through the main key area, and have a small lip toward the bottom. The term is still used today, though more often it is called a, 'passkey." A skeleton key, or passkey, is a key that has been filed down to it's bare minimum (the skeleton of the key if you will), so it will open numerous locks. 

The term most of us use for a key that will open many locks is, "Master Key." So what is the difference between a

Master Key and a Skeleton Key? A master key system of lever locks has the same lever heights in all locks. A skeleton key has the middle section of the key removed so that it opens all the doors of a system. 

While it is useful to have a key that will open numerous locks, there is no such thing as a skeleton key or a master key that will open all locks. If you have an item that you have lost the keys for and you cannot find an source to have a new key cut (like, then any Master Locksmith can re-key something for you as long as it is a standard lock. They may also be able to help get you a set of master keys to meet your needs. 

So while the term Skeleton Key is simply a key stripped down to it's essential parts, let's let Halloween and spooky things have this term...simply because it's fun!

We hope you have a safe Halloween and enjoy some of the great candy!


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